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Frequently Asked Questions

Our first meeting will be discovery-oriented, aimed at getting a better understanding of your goals and objectives. Similar to an architect drawing a blueprint, based on our discussion, we will craft a financial plan for you that drives further decision making.

We offer comprehensive, coordinated financial planning. Solutions that we provide include investment management, insurance planning, retirement planning, and estate coordination to name a few.

Implementing a strategic, coordinated, and disciplined wealth management plan will increase the probability of stability and success for current and future generations. Our job is to help you take stock of your transferrable assets, to leverage tax solutions and ensure inheritance is passed on in the most efficient way. We employ a variety of financial vehicles aimed at increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome.

We measure the assets you have against your monthly lifestyle expenses to identify how much you’ll need in retirement. Once we build a strategy to help secure a comfortable retirement, we then discuss your legacy objectives, tax efficient strategies, estate planning and philanthropic goals.

Strategies to take advantage of the tax code ripple throughout the lifespan of a financial plan and arguably represent the best way to maximize net worth without having to take on additional risk. A multitude of techniques exist to reduce year to year taxable income, tax liability associated with liquid investments, and planning for tax advantaged wealth distribution for college funding, retirement, and ultimately legacy.

*Financial Representatives do not render tax advice. Consult with a tax professional for tax advice that is specific to your situation.

Hard wired fight-or-flight tendencies co-mingle with our life experiences to establish behavioral biases and heuristics that subconsciously impact decision making. While diving out of the way of a speeding automobile is a positive innate reaction, diving out of the market when the media is screaming “this time it’s different because …” can have a dire effect on long-term financial planning and wealth management. It’s impossible to divorce emotion from decision making when it comes to our money. Interestingly, the more intelligent we are, the more we tend to craft decisions that are a function of subliminal bias and inaccurate assumptions.